Monday, January 26, 2015

BlogPost 2

A grown women with two teenage girls with her. All three were carrying bags from a store that they just walked out of.

They were all dressed in nice clothes, and had jewelry on.

A man with gray hair and a large smile on his face. He was walking in the other direction of the 3 girls.

Other people walk by, some carrying one bags, others carrying more than one.

The older women was the mother of the two girls and they were sisters. The mom had just paid for all of the stuff that the two daughter and the mother had got from the store that they just walked out of.

They were probably wealthy because they could afford nice clothes and jewelry for all three of them.

The man probably just heard good news or something funny that made him smile. Or he really enjoys walking through the mail.

The people carrying multiple bags bought things from multiple stores. The people with one or no bags either put all of their things every store in one bag or put the clothes they just bought on before they walked out of the store so they did not have to carry a bag.

Parking Lot:
wealthy, fortunately raised, unaware, happy, optimistic, bored, nothing else to do

I learned that we cannot judge people with just simple observations of them. A quick look at someone cannot tell you what they are like, and will often lead to false observations about that person. I also learned that if you take a closer look at things you can see things that you never did before and it can help you get a new perspective on things.

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