Tuesday, February 3, 2015

BlogPost 3

The Lisa Depit quote, “We do no really see with our eyes or hear through our ears, but through our beliefs.”, is very powerful. She is explaining that we as people do not just see things that are in front of us as everybody else sees them. She is saying that the way people see things is through their own beliefs which means that you can put something in front of one person and ask them what they saw and their explanation of what they saw with their eyes could be completely different than another persons. And it goes the same way with hearing things some people could hear something and if you ask them to explain that then compare it to another explanation you could have two totally different descriptions of what just happened.  Everyone has their own opinions and beliefs, no two are exactly alike. I have had experiences exactly like this on any number of occasions. It is just as simple as people playing a game of one on one in basketball. One time i was playing basketball and i shot the ball and my friend hit my arm on the play while i was shooting the ball. I thought that my friend had fouled me on the shot, but my friend claimed that he was just playing good defense and that it was his ball. We got into an argument because we had different views on the subject. This type of occurrence could have great significance in much larger subjects that could cause a lot of problems among people.  

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